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Vision and Mission

Mission Statement

Buchser Middle School is dedicated to creating contributing citizens who are life-long learners.

Vision Statement

At Buchser Middle School, we strive to:

Provide a Strong Focus on Academics.

  • We have a knowledgeable, creative staff that promotes a challenging, rigorous curriculum for all students.

Support Cultural Literacy and Academic Diversity

  • We create diverse learning experiences that raise awareness and tolerance of others, and include a wide variety of curriculum and extra-curricular activities to address the interests of our students.

Foster a Positive School Environment

  • Our school is a physically and emotionally safe place that promotes student learning.

Promote Respectful Communication

  • Our school has a strong sense of community to support student success, which we convey through respectful communication.

Develop the Whole Child

  • We build a strong sense of community through respectful communication.


Target Areas of Growth Goals:

  1. English Language Learners
  2. Professional Development
  3. Data Management to Improve Student Achievement