Health Services
Welcome to Buchser's Health Office!
Here are some links to important information to help prepare our students for the school year.
Julie Deignan
School Nurse
(408) 423-3020
Janet Valencia
Health Assistant
(408) 423-3019
Health Guidelines
Health Office Information
Please do not send your child to school if they have had a fever over 100ºF within the previous 72 hours, an undiagnosed rash, or any symptom of illness.
The student may return to school after 72 hours fever free without fever reducing medication, and improvement of symptoms.
Medical Notes/Injuries or Illnesses
If your student sustains an injury that temporarily limits their physical ability to participate in PE or other activities, they may continue to participate in Physical Education class through modified activity. Please have the doctor provide a note indicating what specific activities your child may do and please follow the steps below:
- Email the Attendance Office to inform of any absences - email
- Email the Health Office with specifics; include note from doctor if one is available - email
- You may include the PE teacher for their information
- When your student returns to school following the illness/injury, please first come to the Attendance Office/Health Office. Depending on the nature of the injury, the school nurse or health assistant will make contact with the PE teacher as well as the grade level counselor.
- Students whose injuries prevent them from using the stairs in the two-story will be connected with the school secretary who will give instructions for checking out a key.
If a student needs medication while at school (including over the counter medication), a medication authorization form must be filled out by a physician and signed by a parent or legal guardian.
Forms must be renewed at the beginning of each school year.
Forms are available in the health office or "Links to Forms" section on this page.
If there is a concern about your child's vision or hearing, please contact the school nurse for a screening.
Health Concerns
If there is a concern about your child's health condition and its impact on learning or safety, please contact the school nurse.